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Practical Assignment 1
- Write a program that display your details using PHP.
- Write a program that show how to declare variable ,how to initialize variable and that show PHP is case sensitive language.
- Write a program that shows all types of variable with the value and datatypes.check with different method and convert their data type with each other.
- Write a PHP program that accept two different values from user and perform addition.
- Write a PHP program to display student data using form.
- Write a PHP program that use arithmetic operators,increment and decrement operator,string operator.
- Write a PHP program that show use of logical , assignment,comparision operator.
- Write a PHP program that show use of decision statements.
- Write a PHP program that show use of looping statements.
- Write a PHP program that show entered number is even or odd.
- Write a PHP program that accept two different integer variable and check whether number is same or greater or small.
- Write a PHP program that accept three different integer variable and compare it.
- Write a PHP program that find out factorial of entered number.
- Write a PHP program that find out entered number is palindrome or not.
- Write a PHP program that check entered year is leap year or not.
- Write a PHP program that print Fibonacci series of given number.
- Write a PHP program that calculate simple interest.(Enter values from user)
- Write a PHP program that swap variable.
- Write a PHP program that check whether input alphabet is a vowel or not.
- Write a PHP program to find HCF and LCM.
- Write a PHP program that reverse the number of entered number.
- Write a PHP program that show concept of array.(1.Indexed Array & 2.Associative array) and count the elements of array.
- Write a PHP program that show elements of array using each() and foreach().
- Write a PHP program that insert ,change , delete elements in array.
- Write a PHP program that find Maximum and Minimum elements from Array.
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