BCA-301 Data & File Structure
Assignment - 7
(for those Students whose Attendance is < 70%)
Assignment - 7
(for those Students whose Attendance is < 70%)
Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3
Paper 4
Students must have to report their concern faculty for daily timeline completion of assignment.
Submission Date : 26th Oct 2013
Faculty Name: Bhavesh Maheshwari
Assignment – 6
1. Explain tree terminology with its memory representation.
2. Explain binary tree.
3. Explain inorder preorder, postorder traverse with algorithm & converse them.
4. Explain binary search tree with algorithm insert, search & delete operation.
5. Explain heap tree with its algorithms for insert, delete & sort operation.
Submission Date: 18th Oct. 2013
Faculty Name: Bhavesh Maheshwari
Assignment – 5
1. What is linked List? Explain its Properties With Memory Representation.
2. Explain Linked List Operations with Algorithm.
I. Traverse
II. Insert
III. Delete
IV. Merge
3. Explain Circular Linked List.
4. Explain Double Linked List with Insert & Delete Algorithm.
5. Explain Applications of Linked List.
Submission Date: 21 Sept. 2013
Faculty Name: Bhavesh Maheshwari
Assignment – 4
1. What is Queue? Explain its Properties With Memory Representation.
2. Explain Queue Operations with Algorithm.
I. Enqueue
II. Dequeue
3. Explain Priority Queue.
4. Explain Circular Queue with Algorithm.
5. Explain Deque with Their Different Operation & Write Algorithm.
6. Explain Applications of Stack.
6. Explain Applications of Stack.
Submission Date: 5th Sept. 2013
Faculty Name: Bhavesh Maheshwari
Assignment – 3
1. What is Sorting? Explain With Example.
2. Write Algorithm & C Programs For Sorting Techniques Given Below.
I. Bubble Sort
II. Insertion Sort
III. Merge Sort
IV. Quick Sort
3. What is Stack? Represent Stack Using Array.
4. Write Algorithms for Stack Operations Given Below.
III. PEEP (Status)
5. Convert Infix To Postfix Arithmetic Expressions Given Below.
I. (300+23)*(43-21)/(84+7)
Submission Date: 10th August 2013
Faculty Name: Bhavesh Maheshwari
Assignment – 2
1. What is Array? Define It’s Types & Memory Representation.
2. Explain Two Dimensional Array, Row Major & Column Major Order.
3. Write Algorithm With C Program.
I. Traverse an Element in Array.
II. Insert an Element in Array.
III.Delete an Element in Array.
4. Explain Sparse Matrix & its Memory Representation.
5. Define Search Terminology.
6. Write Algorithm & C Program For Sequential Search.
7. Write Algorithm & C Program For Binary Search.
Submission Date: 16th July 2013
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